YardGard® and FarmGard® brands of fencing meet the needs of agricultural, residential, and commercial property owners. Manufactured and distributed by Midwest Air Technologies Inc., The Yardgard® and FarmGard® products can be found at home improvement centers, mass retailers, hardware and farm supply retailers, and wholesale distributors across North America.

Chain Link
Chain Link fencing has long been the fence of choice for schools, baseball fields, tennis courts, businesses, homes, and government facilities. Chain link owes its popularity to ease of installation, configuration options, see-through characteristics, durability and exceptional value.

YardGard® has a history of innovative residential fencing solutions. YardGard® has been anticipating the needs of the residential fencing marketplace for longer than anyone. Products include: Hardware Cloth, Welded Wire, Garden Fence, Economy Fence and Poultry Netting.

Posts & Accessories
Our T-Posts rate among the highest quality sold in the U.S and provide excellent performance for residential, farm, industrial, and commercial applications.

When seeking the most effective solutions confining and protecting livestock and property, you can trust the FarmGard® name. Products include FarmGard®, Field Fence, Farm Gard Horse Fence, Farm Gard Electric Fence and Sheep & Goat Fence.